Kein Support für den Internet Explorer 8 oder ältere Versionen
No support for the Internet Explorer 8 or older versions

Bitte nutzen Sie eine neuere Version des Internet Explorers oder einen anderen aktuellen Browser. Der Internet Explorer 8 wird von Microsoft nicht mehr unterstützt. Daher ist die Website für diese oder ältere Versionen des Internet Explorers nicht optimiert. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Please use a newer version of the Internet Explorer or any other modern browser. The Internet Explorer 8 is no longer maintained by Microsoft. Because of this, the website is not optimized for this version or older versions of the Internet Explorer. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Mastery? Motivation? Matching?

Mastery? Motivation? Matching?

...are the important questions during a job interview

Mastery - Can you do the job?

Motivation - Will you love the job?

Matching - Will you complement the Team?

Think back, every question you’ve ever posed to others or had asked of you in a job interview is a subset or a deeper in-depth follow-up to one of these three key questions. Each question potentially may be asked using different words, but every question, however it is phrased, is just a variation on one of these topics: Mastery, Motivation, and Matching.


Your contact

Pieter Brabants
+49 69 666 82 12

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